Tool Spotlight — Unveiling the Power of WebCopilot: An Automation Tool for Web App Recon

2 min readMar 23, 2024

Amidst this digital skirmish, reconnaissance plays a pivotal role, offering the initial glimpse into a target. WebCopilot, an ingenious automation tool designed to help hackers and enthusiasts alike with comprehensive reconnaissance capabilities.

What is WebCopilot?

WebCopilot is not just another tool in the cybersecurity arsenal; it’s a swiss army knife to unlocking detailed insights into the digital footprint of your target. Crafted with precision and efficiency in mind, WebCopilot automates the enumeration of subdomains and bugs detection, leveraging an array of reputable open-source tools. From assetfinder to amass, and from gobuster to nuclei, WebCopilot orchestrates these tools to paint a detailed picture of your target’s presence and potential vulnerabilities.

Features at a Glance

Subdomain Enumeration Galore: Utilizes top tools like assetfinder, sublist3r, subfinder, and more for comprehensive subdomain discovery.

Active Subdomain Hunting: Employs gobuster and amass to uncover active subdomains using SecLists/DNS wordlist.

Insightful Analysis: Extracts titles and snaps screenshots of live subdomains using aquatone & httpx.

Endpoint and Vulnerability Mapping: Crawls subdomains for endpoints with waybackurls & gauplus and identifies potential XSS, SQLi, SSRF, and more with gf…

