Payload Storage in Malware Development: Code Section

2 min readJan 12, 2024

In the complex world of malware development, one crucial aspect that often stumps even seasoned cybersecurity professionals is the optimal storage of payloads. Payloads, the part of malware that executes the malicious action, require strategic placement to avoid detection and ensure successful execution.

This article delves into two common techniques: storing payloads in the code section and the resource section of an executable.

Payload Storage in the Code Section: The code section, typically marked as executable and readable, is a conventional place for storing payloads. This approach, while straightforward, demands a careful balance to avoid altering the executable’s normal behavior, which could raise red flags.

A common method involves appending the payload at the end of the code section or embedding it within the code itself. For instance, when using C++, developers can create a new project in Visual Studio, add a Resource File (.rc), and then import the payload as a binary resource, labeling it as RCDATA. This technique is illustrated in 4p0cryph0n’s guide on payload placement. Once the payload is part of the resource, it can be fetched and executed using Windows API functions like FindResourceW, LoadResource, and VirtualAlloc.

